How our Sub-conscious Mind Causing Problem To Us?
Every experience will form a lesson or "program" in our sub-conscious mind in order to protect us from danger. When we touch a hot kettle for the first time, immediately our hand get burnt and this incident will form a "program" in the sub-conscious mind to prevent us to touch a hot kettle with bare hand again. The body will give priority to "programs" in sub-conscious mind because the body cannot afford the conscious mind to take time to do analysis when the incident is potentially dangerous.
However, some "program" may not be appropriate or not applicable when time past. - a person experiencing a car accident may form a "program" to prevent him to drive again. Driving phobia can protect him from future potential car accident but is not appropriate for his social life. - "program" for Arachnophobia can protect a baby from spider but is not applicable when a person has grown up. How We Determine Our Response To A Situation?
When someone walk toward us, our conscious mind will immediately analyse that person such as gender, attire, what is he holding , walking speed ....
Simultaneously, the sub-conscious mind will dwell from past experience to check if any "program" matching the situation. 3 different person can have 3 totally different response to a man who is wearing a black jacket holding a paper bag in his hands. Indifferent - sub-conscious has no past experience on similar experience. Conscious mind will continue to do analysis at conscious level, no specific response Relax and Ease - sub-conscious mind has nice experience associate with a man wearing black jacket holding a paper bag Fear and Avoidance - sub-conscious mind has a program associate the above scenario as dangerous or harmful " HOW YOU RESPONSE TO A SITUATION IS DEPENDING ON WHAT IS IN YOUR SUB-CONCIOUS MIND " How Clinical Hypnotherapy Can Help Psychosomatic Illness Such As Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, OCD ... ?
Psychogenic issues only can be effectively eliminated by working with sub-conscious mind because it is caused by inappropriate "program" in sub-conscious mind.
Before a therapy starts, the hypnotherapist will discuss and set the mutual agreeable desire therapy outcome with the patient. Later, the hypnotherapist will induce the patient to a relax, comfortable state of mind call trance stage. In trance stage, the patient's conscious mind is at rest and sub-conscious mind become active and receptive. The hypnotherapist will lead the patient to communicate with the sub-conscious mind and seek the agreement from sub-conscious mind to replace the unwanted "program" with a more favourable program. In the process of hypnotherapy, the patient is KEPT awake in order to be able to interact with the hypnotherapist and their sub-conscious mind. The role of a hypnotherapist is a facilitator of the healing process. The patient has the power to pause, change or stop the therapy procedure at any junction of time. " ALL HEALING IS SELF-HEALING" |